Having a child or family member with special needs is a lifelong commitment. Among the-day-to-day stress of care, therapies, medical visits, etc., the one BIG question and fear many parents have is:

“What will happen to my Loved One when I die?”

There are steps you can take NOW to ensure that your Loved One will be cared for once you are gone, as you will see from this Checklist, including setting up a Special Needs Trust with an Attorney. We at Kara Financial can help you through the process and work with you and your attorney to make sure everything is put into place.

There are many ways to fund a Special Needs Trust. Many Special Needs Families are already under financial strain and don’t have funds available to set aside into a Special Needs Trust. This is Life Insurance can help. For pennies on the dollar, Life Insurance can future fund your Special Needs Trust so the money will be there when you’re not.

Contact us today to review your individual situation and start taking the steps to secure your Loved Ones future.

**Need to find a good attorney? Kara Financial works with and recommends John Kitchen here in New Hampshire. You can reach John at www.johnkitchenlawoffices.com

You can also search for an attorney near you that specializes in Special Needs Trusts by going to www.specialneedsalliance.org